How do I import Stock Items?


How do I import Stock Items?

Importing Stock Items

Importing Stock Items can be done via the Stock Item Importer, using a spreadsheet containing the new stock items.

The spreadsheet must be formatted in a particular way (see below).

Creating or Updating

The importer can be used for on-boarding new stock items as well as for updating existing stock items (where the product code matches an existing item).

Accessing the Importer

To get to the importer, go to:

Inventory > Batch Processing > Import Items


Inventory > Catalogue > select Customer and click 'Go!' > Import Items

Import Spreadsheet Format

The first row should be the column headings. Not all columns are required (only the Product Code is required); only the columns selected during the import will actually be used to update the items.

All other rows should be 1 row per item.

Column HeadingTypeDescriptionExample
Product CodeTextThe product code.ABC/123
Product DescriptionTextThe title of the product.A4 White Copier Sheets (ream)
Initial StockNumberThe quantity of stock currently available. Applicable only when uploading NEW Stock Items25000
Unit CostDecimalThe cost value per unit for the initial stock quantity.25.5
Box centric1 or 0Whether the item is ordered in terms of 'boxes' or 'units'.
For example, if there are 100 pens per box then setting this
option would mean an order of '1' = 1 box = 100 pens.
Batch QuantityNumberRestrict the quantities ordered to multiples of this.1000
LocationTextAn arbitrary 'location' reference that can show on pick-lists. Applicable only when uploading NEW Stock ItemsAisle 10, Row 2
Reorder LevelNumberThe minimum quantity of the item before a Low Stock Alert
email is sent to administrators.
Reorder QuantityNumberThe quantity recommend for re-ordering in the Low Stock Alert
Qty Per BoxNumberThe quantity per box. Does not rely on 'Box-Centric' - an item
can be ordered in units (e.g. an order for 100 = 100 pens) but
still shipped in boxes.
WeightDecimalThe weight of each unit (or each box if Box-Centric is enabled) in grams.55 
Price Per (Qty)NumberThe unit of measure for pricing purposes (e.g. 1000 units = £25).1000
PriceDecimalThe sale price for the 'Price Per Qty'35.5
Min Order Qty NumberThe minimum quantity per order.2000
Approval Quantity NumberAny single order placed for a quantity greater than this will require
an authorisation.

Cost CentreStringThe customer's cost centre if this item needs to be visible to only
selected cost centres.
The cost centre must already exist and this must match the cost
centre name exactly.

Zero Invoice Value1 or 0If set then orders placed for this item will create sales invoice with £0
value. Typically used for pre-paid items but where a value still needs
to be present to the user for re-charging purposes.

Notes and comments relating to the item.

These can be disabled on Customer Catalogue and show only as private to administrators.

Not Orderable1 or 0If set then this item cannot be ordered.0
VAT CodeTextThe Tax code for the item. This should be a valid tax code from the invoicing configuration.VAT20
Warehouse SupplierTextThe name of the supplier holding/fulfilling this item. The supplier must
already exist on the system and the name must match exactly.
ABC Fulfilment Inc.
Variable <ProfileName>TextThis can be used for setting up Customer Profiles.

 <ProfileName> is the exact name of the profile you’ve created in the Customer profile.

You can have multiple Profile Names set up for the same Stock Items, just make sure you separate them with the comma when filling in the spreadsheet.

For clarity:

  • Text = a textual message or label containing a mixture of letters and numbers.
  • Number = a whole number (i.e. no decimal). Please make sure you do not use comma when providing numbers into the spreadsheets ( for example the numbers / quanitities should be 1000 and not 1,000)
  • Decimal = a decimal number, possibly with a decimal point.
  • 1 or 0 = '1' indicates setting the option, '0' indicates un-setting this option.
  • Date = a date in reverse format.

Step-by-step Instructions for uploading (creating / updating) Stock Items

  • Go to Inventory > Catalogue > select Customer and click Go > Import Items

  • On "Importing Items page 1" screen select Customer  and click "Next"

  •  On "Importing Items" page 2 select a file and click "Send"

  • On "Importing Items" page 3 click on "Change" and select a relevant folder

  • You will also have a table displayed with all the items from your spreadsheet - select those that you wish to upload by placing a tick box.
  • Click on "Create Item".

Excel Templates

1. Template for NEW Stock Items

New Stock Item Upload File.xls

New Stock Item Upload File Example.xls

2. Template for UPDATING existing Stock Items

Update Stock Item.xls

Update Stock Item Example.xls

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