Automated Stock Order Importing


Automated Stock Order Importing

To use the automated order importing the following preparations need to be done:

  • Stock Importer needs setting up on Claritum
  • Stock Order CSV file(s) need to be uploaded to the agreed FTP server.

Setting Up Stock Importer

  1. Go to Configuration → Integrations → Stock Importer tab
  2. Provide the following details:
FTP Host URLThis is the address of the FTP server where the files will be uploaded
FTP usernameThe username of the FTP user
FTP passwordThe password of the FTP user
Re-type passwordProvide confirmation of the password

This should be a regular expression that matches the files you wish to import

For example:

If the Stock Import files are named stock_orders_653.csv, stock_orders_1111111.csv and stock_orders_98.csv you should use the regular expression stock_orders_([0-9]+).csv which would match all of these files.

Email AddressThis is an address where the results of the import will be emailed where upload fails , contains errors

Stock Order Import File Requirements

The file must be a CSV file with no title row.  The filename must be in the format eOrderRequest_DDMMYYYYHHMMSS.csv where DDMMYYYYHHMMSS is the creation date and time.

It should have the following columns:

ACustomer MemberThe Customer Member in the CSV file must match exactly the Customer Member name in the system.
BFAO(For Attention Of)
CCompanyThis will be the company name of the Delivery Address
DStreetThis will be the street name of the Delivery Address
EStreetThis will be the street name of the Delivery Address
FCityThis will be the city name of the Delivery Address
GCountyThis will be the county name of the Delivery Address
HPostcodeThis will be the post code of the Delivery Address
IItem RefThis must exactly match the Product Code of the Stock Item on the Claritum system
JQuantitySpecify quantity to order
KPurchase Order

This is the Purchase Order number provided by the customer

This field is used to group the rows into orders ( e.g if the stock order contains multiple items)

LNotesAny additional notes to be shown on the stock order

Once the file has been imported it will be deleted from the FTP server. 


Example of Stock Order Import file


Importing this file will create two Stock Orders:

Customer UserAddressItemsPurchase OrderNotes
Customer User One

FAO: User One,

Test Company,

Test Street,

Test Street Two,

Test City,

Test County,


100 x TEST ITEM 1134645First order notes
Customer User Two

FAO: User Two,

Other Company,

Other Street,

Other Street Two,

Other City,

Other County,


75 x TEST ITEM 2

150 x TEST ITEM 3

165432Second order notes

Other Information

The Stock Importer runs every day at 18:00 GMT


For assistance, please contact your Super User.

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