
This page details how you can edit the emails sent from the system


  • To begin see ‘configuration > branding’



  • Click the emails tab

Emails Overview


The user can have different sets of emails for different languages. Use the drop down box and choose a language to edit templates for that language only


Column Descriptions

  • Event: Describes the email template

  • Version: Identifies

  • Date modified: Shows when the template was last edited

  • Translated: Identifies wether this template has a version which has been translated into another language

Editing Emails


To begin editing an email click the pencil edit icon

Subject: This is the subject line that users will see when they receive the email

Content: The content field lets you edit the body of the email. Content tags can be dragged into the body of the email, this will then be automatically populated when the email is sent. So if you dragged the ‘Contact Name’ field into the body of the email then when the user receives the email they will see their name in the tags place