Stock Orders - Reordering stock
Administrators can create projects to replenish stock. This page details the process of reordering a stock item.
Administrators will need the permission ‘Can reorder stock’ to use this functionality.
Reordering Stock
To begin see ‘Stock > Stock Levels’
Search for the stock item you want to reorder
Click the ‘re-order’ button
If this is the first time this stock item has been reordered then the system will create a new project. This project will be used as a base for all future reorders of this stock item
Process the project and raise the request. For more information about processing projects see the section Finding a Quote Request item
Once the project is completed the stock is replenished
The reorder is logged on the audit trail and users can follow the link to the project
The next time a user reorders this stock item a project will be raised using the same specification from the first re-order