Other Pages on the Customer Portal


Other Pages on the Customer Portal

This articles details the additional pages on the customer portal and their functionality.

My Quotes

The my quotes page gives an overview of your quotes

New Quotes

The new quotes section will show a list of all quotes requested by the user.

When the user is ready to send their quotes they simply click the ‘Send Quote Requests’.

Sent Quotes

The sent quotes section will show the user an overview of all the quotes they have sent and their current status.

Depending on the progress of your request, you may see 3 different status types of your quote request:

Status Name


Next step

Initial status displayed after the quote request is submitted

The quote needs to be accepted and the suppliers need to be engaged

Status signifies the quote is being dealt with

The quote is now accepted and a purchase order sent to the supplier(s)

The quote for your request is now available

The item can now be added to the basket and ordered


My Order

The My Order page is essentially the customers basket. After you add an item to the basket it will be visible on this page.

The customer can edit the quantity of the item in the basket, clear their basket, add more items or checkout.


Order History

The order history page is an overview of all the orders placed by the customer.

The order history page will let the customer search for projects, the customer can either search by project title or by project reference. The customer can use the date picker to narrow down their search results.


Re-ordering items from the Order History page

The customer can also reorder the same items rather than go through the checkout.

  • The customer uses the tick box to choose which items they wish to re-order

  • Next they click re-order selected items

  • The items will automatically be added to the basket and the customer can order them as usual


My Approvals

If your order exceeds your personal spend limit it must be approved by your line manager.

You will know that your order needs to be approved because the Place Order button will be missing and a Get Approval button will be in its place.

Please contact your account manager if you have any questions regarding your spend limit


Requesting Authorisation

  • Once you hit the Get Approval button, the request is being sent to your line manager

  • You can go to the Previous Orders tab where you will notice the status of your order has changed into Awaiting authorisation

  • Once approver's authorisation is granted your order's status will change into "In Progress" and a notification will be sent to you with a confirmation for your order.


Approvers instruction

As an approver you have a visibility of all the orders which require your authorization before the orders can be progressed any further.

You can either approve or reject your colleagues order.

  • Navigate to the my approvals tab

  • You will see a list of all orders awaiting approval

  • You can use the radio buttons to approve or reject an order

  • Click the confirm button at the bottom of the page to action your approvals/rejections

My Details

Here you can update your personal detail and address details.


Contact Us

You can contact your system administrator with a query about your order.



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