


The publishing page allows you to make quick edits to catalogue items in bulk

Searching for items


You can use the following criteria to search for catalogue items

  • Search: Search by item name or item code

  • Customer: Search for items assigned to specific customers

  • Group: Search for items assigned to a specific group

  • Folder: Search within a specific folder

  • Items: Filter results by quote request/rate card/stock item

  • Ordering: Filter results by wether they are Orderable/Not orderable


You can use the ‘default columns’ drop down to hide certain columns

Results/Editing Items

Users can quickly view specific details about catalogue items. Or the user can click the edit icon on the far right hand side of the table to be taken to the items profile where they can edit any aspect of the item


  • Category: The category the item is currently in

  • Type: The type of catalogue item (quote request/rate card/stock item)

  • Product Code: The unique product code

  • Name: The item name of the catalogue item. Names can be shared across items

  • Display from/to: The date range that the item will be visible to customers

  • Orderable: Selects wether the item can be ordered by customers


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