Part 4 - Procurement


Part 4 - Procurement

Once the Sourcing exercise has completed, the next steps are either cancellation of the request or order confirmation by the Customer.

The Customer will place their order online, confirming their purchase order number (or some similar ordering reference or budget code) together with the exact quantity they require.

You (the Buyer/Manager) may then review the supplier selection (changing if required) before confirming the purchase orders to the suppliers.

During production, additional charges may need to be raised (and possibly passed on to the customer) until the supplier has completed the Project at which point you may then rate the supplier’s performance and perform the final actions to close the project.

Placing an order on behalf of a Customer

Normally, the user will place the order for the project themselves but there may be circumstances where you will need to place the order on their behalf.

  1. Open the Project Part to be ordered.
  2. Go to the Ship To section and enter the quantities required to each of the delivery destinations.

    Note: The quantities ordered must match the quantities specified in the Quote (ie. a combination of the quote quantity+run-on). You should notice a price indicator next to the Place Order button that shows the price when you specify a valid quantity.
    You will not be able to place the order for an invalid quantity.

    You may also notice that the Quantity Required field is greyed-out - this means that only one quantity was requested for the Quote and so that is the only quantity that can be ordered.

  3. Enter the customer’s purchase order number (or other ordering codes as required) in the fields provided.
  4. Click Place Order.

Sending supplier purchase orders

  1. Go to the Purchase Orders section of the Project.
  2. Click the Authorize link of the supplier you wish to authorize.
    This will take you to the Confirm Supplier Orders page.
  3. Set the Delivery Date.
    Although this is optional, we recommend that you do set the date!
  4. Select a Footer from the drop-down menu or enter your specific content into the free-text field.
  5. Preview your purchase order by clicking the Preview button at the bottom.

    Note: You may also switch this PO to a different P&L by selecting from the P&L drop-down menu.
    In most cases, however, you would not need to do this as the P&L is automatically chosen by the
    customer configuration.

    If you find you're doing this a lot then consider switching the Customer to a more appropriate P&L
    or you may need to split it up into two Customers each with different P&L's.

    Note: You may notice that the purchase order does not show a purchase order number. This is because the purchase has not been authorized yet. When you authorize the purchase order, the purchase order number will be generated and applied to the document before sending to the supplier.

  6. Click Authorize.
    This will send the purchase order to the supplier.

    Note: If you see a popup window telling you that there are cheaper prices available for the job:

    1. Select the reason for your supplier selection from the drop-down menu.
    2. Click OK.

  7. Click the job part's reference number and title to return to the Project.

Adding Change Orders (Extra)

Sometimes it may be necessary to apply additional charges for the Project(either from the supplier, to the customer or both). These are known as ‘Change Orders’ and can be added to the Project at any time after the Quote has been sent to the customer.

  1. Go to the supplier in the Pricing section of the Project.
  2. Click the Add button beneath the Extra after quote heading.
  3. Enter the description for the change order.
  4. Enter the cost and sale for the change order.


    • If you are adding an additional supplier cost that you do not intend to pass on to the customer then you only need to set the cost value (leave the sale value at 0).
    • If you do intend to pass the additional cost on to the customer then put the same value into both the cost and sale values (or increase the sale by an appropriate margin).
    • If you only intend to increase the sale value (ie. no additional cost) then leave the cost value at 0 and only set the sale value.


    • Changing the cost on a Project will require re-authorisation of the purchase order to affected supplier(s).
    • Changing the sale on a Project will affect the final invoice value.
  5. Set the Sales Invoicing option:
    1. All deliveries (public) - spread the additional value pro-rata across all of the delivery addresses and show on the sales invoice.
    2. [Selected Address] - assign all of the additional value to the selected address and show it on the sales invoice.
    3. Private - update the total on the sales invoice and don't break it out.
  6. Click the Set Supplier Prices button or the Save Changes button.

Supplier Completion

Once the supplier has completed their work (ie. they have shipped the goods) you must mark their activity as completed.

  1. Go to the Supplier in the Pricing section of the Project.
  2. Click Job Completed.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Set the rating for QualityOn Schedule and On Budget.
  5. Enter your comments.
  6. Click Save.

Goods Receipting

Once the goods have been delivered to the customer, you may mark the goods as received.
This allows you to keep track of what was received, when it was received and whether the shipment was of an acceptable quality or not.

  1. Go to the Ship To section of the Project.
  2. Click the Goods Received button of the delivery address.
    This will show you a list of the goods received so far and the quantity remaining to be delivered.
  3. Click add to add a new receipt.
  4. Select who the delivery was Received By.
  5. Check the Quantity Received (change it if you have not received all of the goods in the same delivery).
  6. Set the Quantity Accepted or the Quantity Rejected as appropriate.
  7. Set the Date/Time of when the delivery took place.
  8. Enter any comments.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Done to close the Goods Receipts.

Closing the Project

Once the project has been completed and all additional costs have been accounted for, you may close the job.

  1. Click the Close Project button at the top of the page on the Project you wish to close.
  2. Click OK.

In this section we will cover some of the more advanced uses of the jobbag; techniques that will improve your productivity when managing large numbers of simultaneous jobs.


  1. Confirm the order from the customer for 5,000 copies.
  2. Send the supplier order
  3. Receipt the goods.
  4. Mark the supplier as completed.
  5. Rate the supplier.
  6. Close the project.

Copying Projects

There are two situations where you may want to copy a project:

  • When you wish to repeat a previous project (with perhaps some minor changes).
  • When you wish to create a different version of a project that is being quoted.

Copying a project

  1. Open the Project that you wish to copy.
  2. Click Copy Project at the top of the page.
  3. If you want to copy this Project to a different customer then select the customer and the user.
  4. If you want to keep the supplier selection and pricing from the original project then click the Copy Suppliers and prices option.
  5. Click OK.

Creating a project version

‘Versions’ are independent variants of the same initial project and allow you to provide multiple quotes for multiple different specifications knowing that only one of them will be required (e.g. if the customer has requested a 2-color job but has also said that they would like to see prices for a 4-color as well).

The jobs are held independently but grouped together on the Quotes and Jobs listings and include the version in their reference number.

When the customer confirms an order for a particular version, the system automatically closes the other versions.

  1. Open the Project that you wish to create a version of.
  2. Click Copy Project at the top of the page.
  3. Click Create new version of this Project.
  4. Click OK.

You may now change the specification or other requirements for the job.

Part Versioning

An alternative to versioning an entire Project is to create versions of individual Parts of the Project.

For example, rather than create another version of your 7-part project, the customer may only need 3 versions of 1 single part.

  1. Open the Project.
  2. Go to the Specification section.
  3. Click the Action... drop-down menu and select the New Version... option.
    This will take you to the specification details page where you can now make changes to the specification.
  4. Enter the reasons / description for this new version in the Version Notes field at the top.
  5. Change the specification details as required.

    Note: We recommend you change the Title at this point, to include some indication of the difference
    between the previous version and this version. Otherwise you'll get several versions, all with the same
  6. Click Next at the bottom.

You should notice that an additional 'part' has been added with the same reference number but with '.2' added. This indicates it is version 2.

Changing the specification

After copying a Project or creating a new version, you may wish to change the specification:

  1. Open the Project for which you wish to change the specification.
  2. Go to the Specification section of the Project.
  3. Click the spanner icon next to the Specification heading.
  4. Change the specification details as required.

    Note: If you need to change the ‘type’ of project altogether (e.g. you need a ‘Folded Sheet’ job type instead of a ‘Single Sheet’ job) then:

    1. Click the Back button at the bottom right of the page, adjacent to theCancel and Next... buttons.
    2. Click the type of job you require.
    3. Complete the specification form as required.
  5. Click the Next... button at the bottom right.

Handing a Project over to another Buyer/Manager

If you are creating requests on the system on the customer’s behalf but are not intending to choose suppliers or prices then you will probably need to ‘hand’ this project over to another Buyer/Manager who will be responsible for the sourcing activity. The system will send that individual an email notifying them of the change.

  1. Open the Project you wish to hand over.
  2. Click the User name at the top of the Project.
  3. Select the Buyer/Manager you wish to hand over to.
  4. Click the Save button that appears just below.

Manually adding Suppliers to a Project Sheet

There are two situations that may require you to manually add suppliers/activities to a Project:

  • The simple ‘RFx’ process does not create exactly the combination of supplier activities you require.
  • You need to send out RFQs to additional suppliers after you have already gone through the RFx process.
    This may require the creation of a new ‘scenario’ (ie. a specific combination of suppliers that can form the basis of a customer quote).

Creating a new scenario

  1. Open the Project you wish to add the scenario to.
  2. Click the Add Scenario button just below the Supplier Selection section heading.
  3. Click OK.

Your new scenario will be created with no suppliers. You can now add supplier activities.

Adding supplier activities

  1. Ensure you have the scenario selected, that you wish to add the supplier activities to.
  2. Click the Add Activity button below the Pricing section.
  3. Select the activity (or multiple activities) for the supplier, from the list on the left.
  4. Select the supplierfrom the list on the right.

    Note: The supplier list is automatically filtered as you select the supplier activities, to show those suppliers with matching capabilities.
    If you need to select a supplier that is being filtered out then un-select the Filtered option at the top-right.

  5. Set the Delivery Date field.
  6. Set the Quote By field if you require the supplier to quote before a specific date/time.
  7. Set the Ship To.
  8. If required, set the Markup you would expect to apply to this supplier.
  9. Enter any addition information you wish to send to this supplier.
  10. Click OK.

You are now ready to send the RFQ to the supplier.

Sending an individual supplier RFQ

  1. Ensure that you have the supplier’s scenario selected in the Supplier Selection section.
  2. Click the supplier’s Re-send RFQ link (to the right of the supplier name) in the Pricing section.

Note: You can also use this facility to re-send the RFQ to a supplier if they lose their original RFQ.

Switching suppliers before sending purchase orders

It may be necessary to switch to a different supplier before you send the purchase orders, after you receive the order from the customer (e.g. the supplier can no longer do the work or better prices have come in since the quote was sent to the customer).

  1. Open the Project you wish to switch scenarios.
  2. Click Unlock Project at the top of the page. This will open a warning message. Click OK.
  3. Click the Change Scenario button just below the Supplier Selection section heading.
  4. Click the Use this scenario option of the scenario you wish to use.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Lock Project at the top of the page.

Switching / Adding addresses after supplier orders sent

Sometime it may be necessary to change the addresses on the job even after you have sent the supplier purchase orders (but before it has been delivered...)

  1. Open the Project.
  2. Click Unlock Project at the top of the page. This will open a warning message. Click OK.
  3. Scroll the page to the Delivery section.
  4. To add an address:
    1. click Add Address
    2. select the address you require and click Select (bottom-right of the popup window).
  5. To change an address click Edit or Search on the address you wish to change.
  6. Set the quantities for each delivery address as required.

    Note: the quantities across all of the addresses must match the quantity ordered. The system will prevent you from saving the changes if the total quantity is different.

    If you do need to change the total quantity then see the notes below.

  7. Click Save Deliveries at the bottom of the deliveries section.

    Note: If you do not set a quantity for any address that you add then it will not be saved.

Changing the quantity on a job that is in progress

If you need to change the total quantity on an order after the job has been ordered and after you have sent the supplier purchase order(s):

  1. Open the Project.
  2. Click Unlock Project at the top of the page. This will open a warning message. Click OK.
  3. Scroll to the Specification section.
  4. Click the Spanner icon to edit the specification.
  5. Change the quantity.
  6. Click Next (in the bottom-right of the page). You should be taken to a page asking which supplier POs should be revoked.
  7. Select/deselect which supplier POs should be revoked.
  8. Click OK. This will complete the change, returning you to the Project.
  9. Click Lock Project at the top of the page.

Batch Processing (closing, archiving and deleting multiple jobs)

Closing multiple jobs

  1. Click View All in the Jobbags side-menu section.
  2. Click the black triangle next to the View All Projects page heading.
  3. Select the Ready to close option from the Status menu.
  4. Click the Go button.
  5. Select the jobs you wish to close using the checkboxes down the left side of the listing.
  6. Click the Close selected button at the bottom of the listing.

Archiving multiple jobs

Follow the same steps as above but select the Ready to archive option from the Status menu.

Deleting multiple jobs

Follow the same steps as above but select the Can be deleted option from the Status menu.


  1. Copy an old project to a new project.
  2. Create a 2nd version of the 1st part.
    Make a clear distinction between the two part versions.
  3. Progress both part versions through to quoting to the customer.
  4. Place an order on behalf of the customer for part version 2.

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