
Maintenance Issues

The following issues have been resolved in this release

Ticket Number

Issue fixed in this release

V2-6133Fixed an issue where the stock audit trail could show the user type as 'Customer' instead of 'Admin'
SD-2227The audit trail will now show the option selected when copying a project
SD-2286Fixed an issue preventing the attachment uploader displaying on first view of a rate card
SD-2214Fixed an issue where a blank address was shown when no client address was entered on the sytem
SD-2332Fixed an issue where kinds could be entered with no name
SD-2341Added pagination and a search to the Customer Suppliers tab.  This helps reduce delays when changing lots of supplier links to customers
SD-2287Fixed an issue causing saved searches to only return the first 20 lines on download
SD-2348User column on the portal Order History screen now shows for all users
SD-2361Fixed an issue preventing unlinking a rate card order window.
V2-6709Fixed the Supplier PO display on the JDE invoice export file.