
New Features

The following features have been added in this release

Orientation field on Cover and Text specification formThe Orientation specification field has been moved to the top of the Cover section on the Cover and Text specification form
Invoice Date on Invoice listingsWe've added a new column 'Date' to the Customer invoice listings. This shows the invoice date.
German Translations

The German translations have been updated.

Maintenance Issues

The following issues have been resolved in this release

Ticket Number

Issue fixed in this release

SD-2166Fixed an issue with attachment names when uploading multiple attachments at once.
V2-6515After adding a supplier email template viewing the list of templates now works correctly.
V2-6630Changing a supplier currency correctly updates the users for that supplier.
V2-6709Fixed a formatting issue with the JDE invoice export format.
SD-2340Fixed an issue preventing closing a project with unordered parts.
SD-2444Fixed an issue allowing deletion of delivery address after invoicing.
SD-2438The 'Accounts' column on the Administrator listing displays the correct number of customers.
SD-2459Fixed an error when changing the name of a customer group.