
New Features

The following features have been added in this release

Portuguese (Brazil) TranslationUsers can now use Claritum in the Portuguese (Brazil) language

Maintenance Issues

The following issues have been resolved in this release

Ticket Number

Issue fixed in this release

SD-883Resolved an issue where internal and supplier special instructions would be visible to customers when they edit a quote
SD-902Resolved an issue where the special instructions on a quote request would duplicate when the customer sends a quote request
SD-664The audit trail will now show when a copied project part was created
SD-806Resolved an issue where users could lose the line manager assigned to them
SD-503Resolved an issue where the time displayed to Hungarian users would be incorrect
SD-764It is now possible to prevent users approving invoices before the goods are received on a project
SD-840Resolved an issue where the date picker would save the wrong date
SD-894The option to export search results has been temporarily hidden from supplier view