
Maintenance Issues

The following issues have been resolved in this release

Ticket Number

Issue fixed in this release

V2-5356Removed redundant admin permission 'Can create missing/zero-sale invoices'
SD-1479Users can no longer add negative stock batches to stock items
SD-1456Resolved an issue where delivery addresses that had been edited on the checkout could revert to the original address
SD-1330Resolved issues with automation
  • Portal drafts are no longer shown on the portal listing page
  • Portals are now displayed in alphabetical order
SD-1311The 'sort by' options now function on the stock order listings page
SD-1307Resolved an issue where admins could potentially receive supplier emails
SD-1329Resolved an issue with supplier emails that could reference the wrong user
V2-5236Customer users with the permission 'can order for other users' can now see orders from all users on the customer portal
SD-1409Resolved an issue that prevented suppliers processing stock orders
SD-1443Resolved an issue with pageflex templates when a customer user placed an order on behalf of another user
SD-1400Resolved an issue where the reorder flag could be shown in error
SD-1488Resolved an issue that prevented suppliers from adding prices to quotes
SD-1487Resolved an issue that prevented customer users adding a delivery address to their order
V2-5366Users can now export customer invoices
SD-1457Users can now edit the unit cost on stock batches
  • Resolved an issue that prevented exports on the financial pages
  • Resolved an issue where the customer invoice export would not show new invoices
SD-1328Suppliers can now download box labels