Creating a Rate Card

What is a Rate Card?

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A Rate Card

  • is a product specification with a range of quantities and fixed prices for those quantities for a specified contract period.

  • can be created for any product that needs to be purchased in bulk, and which thereby enables cost savings to be passed on to the Customer.

  • can function in a similar way to a stock order or to a quote request, depending on how it is processed.

Two ways to create a Rate Card

There are two ways to create a Rate Card, from Configuration > Catalogue Management and from an existing Quote Request Project. The only difference is that, when creating a Rate Card from a Project, the specification and prices are automatically populated from the Project Part. If a Service Provider realises that they are repeatedly recreating the same Quote Request specification for one or more Customers, they can turn the Quote Request into a Rate Card that Customers can order directly.

Creating a Rate Card from Configuration > Catalogue Management

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  1.  From the main menu, select Catalogue > Items
  2. From the Catalogue Management page, click the New Rate Card button.

    The New Rate Card page displays.

Creating a Rate Card from a Project

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  1. Create a Quote Request project.
    See Quote Request Workflow

  2. Complete the Project Part specification.
    See Completing a Quote Request form

  3. Click the Create Rate Card button.
    The Rate Card form is automatically populated with information from the part currently selected in the project.

After clicking the Rate Card button the process for completing the Rate Card is the same. 

For full details see Catalogue Management > Catalogue Management > Create Rate Card.