Claritum Implementation Discovery Agenda
Implementation Discovery Agenda
The Claritum System Implementation Discovery Wokshop allows Claritum Implementators and the Client to come together and define, in a structured way, the fine-grained details of how the Claritum System should be configured and deployed.
It also presents an initial opportunity for key Client individuals to gain a clear overview of the scope of the implementation and workflow.
There are 3 key stages to the Discovery and the entire phase can take anywhere between 1 and 3 days, depending on participant's availability and the scope and size of the implementation.
Stage 1: Organizational and Process Workshop
- Claritum Implement(ors)
- Client Implementation Project Manager
- Client 'Super Users' and key personnel (i.e. individuals with detailed knowledge of current or required processes and procedures)
- Introductions and roles
- Review Client's Organizational Structure
- Key business objectives
- Review Client's Value Proposition / Competitive Advantage
- Review Client's Commercial Model
- Review Client’s overall sourcing, procurement and invoicing process
- Discuss and Agree System related roles, privileges and terminology
- Identify ‘ownership’ throughout each step in the process
- Review Customer-specifics
- Review Claritum Standard Processes (capture differences)
- Review Claritum Optional Components
- Communicate data requirements for loading on system
- Review Customer Reporting Requirements
- Review Standard Suite of Reports
- Review key business metrics
- Review the draft implementation plan
- Sand-box system set up but not necessarily branded.
- Draft implementation plan has been produced and issued to key individuals.
Stage 2: Supplier Workshop
- Claritum Implement(ors)
- Client Implementation Project Manager
- Client Supply-Chain Manager
- Review existing Supplier Roster and details
- Identify data requirements for Claritum system and assign responsibility
- Validate process assumptions from Organizational and Process Workshop
- Identify what if any Instant Estimating Suppliers will be mobilized and add activities into the project plan (outside of scope)
- Identify Supplier on-boarding and communications plan
- Identify Current Supplier Spend and Baseline
- Publish / Have ready the supplier roster
Stage 3: Technology Workshop
- Claritum Implement(ors)
- Client Implementation Project Manager
- Client CTO / Technical Manager
- 3rd-party technology providers as required
- Review additional system integration requirements
- Identify key inputs, activities and milestones
- Additional system integration requirements have been broadly discussed and required 3rd-party technology providers have been identified.