User Workflow and Configuration
NOTE: | This document relates to System Versions up to and including |
This document describes the meaning and functionality of each of the configuration switches that can be applied to:
- System Users
- Customers
- Customer Users
- Suppliers
- Supplier Users
Customer Configuration
In this context ‘Customer’ refers to the organisation that your customer users belong.
Configuration switches made at this level affect the functionality experienced by all users registered on the Claritum System belonging to that customer.
Configuration Switch | Function |
‘Jobs’ Section: | |
Enable? | This allows the customer to place bespoke enquiries and place orders for quotations. If your customer is only going to be ordering stock then you would not need this option set. |
Prompt when authorising supplier POs from uncompetitive scenarios | If this is enabled Buyers/Managers will get a popup when authorising a Supplier Purchase Order that warns them if they have not chosen the cheapest supplier available for the job and invites them to choose the reasons why. This information can then be used at a later date for purchasing analysis. |
'Templates' Section: | |
Send quote emails for template jobs | If this is set then when the user places an order for an artwork template item, an email alert is sent to the customer user placing the order and to all of the managers assigned to this customer (if they also have 'Receive Project Emails' enabled). |
‘Matrix’ Section: | |
Enable? | This allows this customer to use the matrix system. |
Instant Pricing Section | |
Enable? | Allows RFxs for this customer to be passed automatically through the Instant Estimating system. |
‘Document Services’ Section: | |
Use Customer Markup | If this is enabled the Document Services system applies the standard customer markup to the generated prices for jobs for this customer. The markup is defined on the Customer Details page. |
‘Stock Management’ Section: | |
Enable? | This allows this customer to view the stock catalogue and place orders online. |
Require Purchase Order number to make a stock order | If this is enabled the PO number field on stock orders for this customer will be mandatory. |
Send 'Packing in Progress' emails | If this is enabled users for this customer will receive email notifications when their orders are marked as 'Packing'. |
Send 'Despatch' emails | If this is enabled users for this customer will receive email notifications when their orders are marked as 'Despatched'. |
Members cannot place back orders | If this is enabled customer users will not be able to place back orders. |
‘E-Invoicing’ Section: | |
Enable? | Allows this customer to use the E-Invoicing system. |
Stationery Location | |
All documents generated in relation to this customer will use the selected stationery location. | |
Credit Control | |
Credit Stop | Setting this option will prevent any user of this customer from placing any orders via the Customer Catalogue. It will also prevent all buyers from placing an order on behalf of this Customer but it will not prevent buyers or managers from responding to quote requests or sending quotes to any of the Customer's users. |
Customer Users
‘Customer Users’ are the registered users on the system that belong to a specific ‘Customer’.
Configuration switches applied to the user affect only that user’s experience of the system.
Configuration Switch | Function |
Procurement | |
Can Authorize Orders | When enabled this user will receive ‘Authorisation Request’ emails from the system and will be able to authorise stock orders that are 'Awaiting Authorisation'. |
Authorisation Limit Does Not Apply | When enabled any orders placed by this customer user will not need authorising even if an authorisation limit has been set for the item. |
Hide Stock | Hides stock items from this user on the Customer Catalog. |
Jobbags | |
Hide PDF Customisation | The customer user cannot browse the artwork template catalogue or place artwork template orders. |
Hide Custom Items | This hides the RFx forms from the user, preventing them from placing new quote requests and from viewing any existing quotes. |
Misc | |
Orders For Other Users | This allows the user to place orders on behalf of other users belonging to the same customer. |
Receives Emails | This must be enabled if the user is to receive emails. |
Is Report Authority | This allows the user to see other users information in the reports section. Typically this option would be enabled only for 'head office' users or 'regional managers'. |
Cannot Change The Default Delivery Address | This prevents the user from changing their default delivery address when creating a new enquiry or ordering from the catalogue. |
Cannot Log In | Setting this will prevent the user from logging in, locking them out of the system. |
Customer Catalogue Related Switches | |
Browse only | The user can browse the catalogue but not add items to the shopping basket or place an order. |
Supplier Users
Supplier Users (or ‘Supplier Operators’) are those users belonging to suppliers registered on the system.
Configuration switches applied to the Supplier User affect only that user’s experience of the system.
Configuration Switch | Function |
Can upload project files | This supplier user can upload file attachments to the Project. |
Can delete project files | This supplier user can delete file attachments that have been uploaded to the Project. |
Can add extras (change-orders) | This supplier user can add extras (change orders) to a Project. |
Can add design costs | This supplier user can enter design costs in the tracker on Design activities. |
Can enter invoice details | Once this supplier's job has been marked as 'Complete' by the manager, this user may enter their invoice details directly into the system instead of sending a physical invoice and waiting for the Finance team or the Buyer to receive and key-in the invoice details to approve it for payment. Another name for this process is 'PO Flipping'. |
‘Users’ in this context are the Buyer/Managers, System Administrators or Finance Handling users of the system.
Configuration Switch | Function |
‘Administration’ Section: | |
Can manage users | View and edit users such as buyers. |
Can create new suppliers/customers | Add new suppliers and/or customers. User must have one of 'Can manage supplier' or 'Can manage customers' selected |
Can manage suppliers | View and edit suppliers. |
Can manage supplier users | View and edit users at suppliers. Must have 'Can manage suppliers' selected |
Can manage customers | View and edit customers. Customers are departments or organisations that originate requirements. |
Can manage contacts | View, add and edit contacts at customers. Must have 'Can manage customers' selected |
Can manage costcentre information | View, add and edit cost centers. Cost centers are required if costs are to be invoiced or re-charged to customers |
Receives emails | Receive email notifications and alerts from the system. |
Can view headers and footers | Controls whether the 'Configuration' section is displayed in the System menu. If checked, user can change headers and footers that appear on customer quotes and supplier POs, along with other settings such as uploading custom Stationery. |
Can edit exchange rates | Controls whether user can set and edit exchange rates. |
Can manage order references | Allows the user to edit the Ordering Codes (purchase order, project number, cost centre codes, etc.) on a job on behalf of the customer. |
Catalog: | |
Can edit catalogue | Add, edit and delete items and folders in the catalogue |
Can modify customer catalogue | Can change the look-and-feel of customer catalogues |
Service Hub | |
Service Hub authority | Add more software and services from Claritum's Service Hub |
My RFx | |
Can edit catalogue items | User can change a catalogue item's specification and prices. User can also delete catalogue items. |
Can create RFXs | Can specify requirements and create RFxs |
Creates projects for Account Manager | User can create quotes / jobs with the administrator set to the Account Manager configured for that customer, in addition to the list of administrators assigned to that customer. |
Can manage RFxs |
Can award bids to suppliers |
Can process jobs | User can:
Can unlock project | Unlock an RFx, making it editable after the quote has been sent to the customer |
Receives project emails | Receive system emails status changes |
Can create missing/zero-sale invoices | User can create invoices for jobs that have no sale value (ie 'Not for sale' jobs). |
Can close projects | Close and archive projects |
Can edit/delete project extras | Edit RFx/unlocked project extras. NB. must have either 'Can manage RFxs' or 'Can process projects' privilege selected |
Can edit markup | User can change the markup on a quote, overriding the markup set for the customer. Un-check this option to prevent the Buyer/Manager from doing anything to change the markup for the job (ie. always ensuring that the 'cost' and 'sale' for the job remains the same). |
Can only see own projects | User only sees own projects (and those of others in their group) and not projects from other users at the same organisation |
Can create bespoke jobs | User can create RFx / custom jobs. Without this, the 'New RFx' option is never presented to the user. |
Cannot change titles | User cannot edit pack titles. |
Stock Management | |
Can modify inventory contents | User can view / edit items in the Stock Catalogues. |
Can maintain stock levels | User can change the available stock levels for items in the Stock Catalog. |
Receives stock emails | User receives system emails when stock orders placed / status changes / etc. |
Can place stock orders | User can place Stock orders on behalf of customers. |
Can reorder stock | User can create jobs to replenish stock quantities. |
Handles procurement orders | User can view picklists on stock orders and view re-orders for items in the Stock Catalog. |
Import Stock Adjustments | User can import a stock adjustments spreadsheet. |
Pricing Matrices | |
Can order matrices | User can order matrices on behalf of customers |
Can maintain matrices | User can create / edit / delete matrices |
Artwork Templates | |
Can edit template fields | User can change the field details for PDF Templates. Also requires 'Maintain template specifications' privilege. |
Can delete saved artwork | User can delete PDF Templates saved in the PDF Template Catalog. |
Maintains template specifications | User can edit PDF Templates. |
Can place template orders | Can order PDF Templates on behalf of customers. |
Invoicing | |
Reconciles sales invoices | Can view / approve / part invoice / credit / issue customer invoices. |
Can reconcile purchase invoices | Can view and reconcile supplier invoices. |
Reporting / Business Intelligence | |
Enabled | Whether this user has access to the standard system reports or not. |