View All Jobs Backup

View All Jobs Backup

What do the job status descriptions mean when searching View All Jobs



A job bag has been created where no other actions have taken place

Awaiting quotes   Job specification has been sent to suppliers, quotes not yet received
Responses received  At least one supplier has quoted on a job specification
Quoted  The job sale price has been quoted to the customer
PlacedThe job has been placed for production with the administrator
RejectedThe customer has rejected the quote
In progressThe job has been authorised to the supplier and is in production
CompleteAll supplier activities have been completed
Ready to closeJob can be closed at any time after an order has been placed
Ready to archive    All job parts and invoicing completed
ClosedJob has been completed and closed
ArchivedThe job has been archived in the system
DeletedAny job that has been deleted on the system
Can be deleted  Does not have any approved invoices or PO’s


Searching for Closed Jobs:

This is how you can search for 'Closed' jobs on the system:

  1. Click the 'View All' option in the 'Jobbags' (or 'Projects') side menu to get to the jobs listing.
  2. Click the black triangle next to the 'View All Jobs' heading to open the search options.
  3. Select the 'Closed' option from the 'Status' menu.
  4. Click Go.

If you're not seeing expected results it may be that the search filter isn't going back far enough so select a higher time-span from the 'Show' menu and click Go again.