


The Service Provider can create new Administrators and update existing ones on the Claritum system. An Administrator is a Service Provider employee who uses the Claritum system to manage Customer Projects.

  1. From the main menu, select Administrators.

     The Administrators page displays

  2. Click the New Administrator button.


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On the Details page, complete the required fields and click Save.

The only mandatory field is Email. The other fields are to be completed at the discretion of the Service Provider. Some fields will be useful to one Service Provider, but not another. Fields can be easily edited after a Customer is created. The only two non-obvious fields should be Team and Currency.

TeamA Service Provider can create 'teams' of Claritum system Administrators within their organisation. A 'team' is comprised of Administrators who can view and work on Projects assigned to other Administrators within the same 'team'. A 'team' is created by assigning the same Team name to two or more Administrators in the Details page form shown above.
CurrencyThe Service Provider can choose the currency they want to be used on the system for each Administrator.


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This is where you can configure the various Administrator functions (what the Administrator can and can't do in the system).

Click the checkbox to select / deselect the function and click the Save button.


User will be able to access other Administrators profile and edit details and permissions
User will be able to setup new suppliers and customers. Administrator must have 'Can manage Suppliers' or 'Can manage Customers' selected.
User will be able to edit existing suppliers details 
User will be to add or remove supplier users as well as edit existing supplier users. Must have 'Can manage Suppliers' selected.
User will be able to edit existing customer details  Customers are departments or organisations that originate requirements.
User will be to add or remove customer users as well as edit existing supplier users. Must have 'Can manage Customers' selected.
User can view, add and edit Groups.
User will receive email notifications and alerts from the system.
Users with this permission will see 'Configuration' as an option in the System menu. If checked, Administrators can change headers and footers that appear on Customer quotes and Supplier POs, along with other settings such as uploading Custom Stationery.
User will be able edit order references.
Users with this permission will see 'Reports' as an option in the System menu. Administrators with this privilege will be able to see reporting data for all Customers.
User will be able to edit exchange rates in the financial section of the configuration menu
Users with this permission will be able to access the support portal and raise issues. You may need to contact Claritum support to configure access to the help desk before being able raise issues
User will be able to view and download translations from the system
User can view and edit Supplier Charges


Users with this permission will be able to access the catalogue management page. They will be able to add or remove items to the catalogue as well as edit existing catalogue items
Users with this permission will be able to access the 'Branding' section from the 'Configuration' menu. This will let them edit the system colour scheme 


Add, edit and delete items and folders in the catalogue.
User can create a quote request on behalf of a customer, the user will be able to choose the exact same specification that the customer can choose
If the user has this permission enabled when a Customer User is selected for a new project, the Administrator is set to be their Account Manager. Note:This permission is enabled by default

Users with this permission will be able to edit existing quote requests on behalf of the customer. The options the user will have are listed below

  • Set and edit prices on behalf of Suppliers.
  • Edit the title, Administrator, Customer, tax rate, priority and private notes for a Quote Request.
  • Edit the delivery details for a Quote Request.
  • Edit the paper specification for a Quote Request.
  • Set or edit the Suppliers reference code on a Quote Request.
  • View and send a Quote Request to a Supplier.
  • Add new parts to an existing Project.
  • Edit the title, Administrator, Customer, tax rate and priority for a Quote Request.
  • Award bids to the Suppliers.

Users with this permission will be able to process orders on behalf of the customer. The options the user has are listed below

  • Set and edit Supplier prices and sale prices on a quote or unlocked Project.
  • Edit the title, Administrator, Customer, tax rate, priority and private notes for a quote.
  • Authorise and revoke Supplier POs.
  • Send order confirmations to Customers.
  • Change scenarios on a quote or unlocked Project.
  • Edit the paper specification for a quote or unlocked Project.
  • Add / delete activities on a quote or unlocked Project.
  • Mark an unlocked Project 'Not for sale' / 'For sale.'
  • Batch process multipart Projects.
Users can unlock a Quote Request, making it editable after the quote has been sent to the Customer.
Users with this permission will receive email notifications of system status changes.
Batch approve POs and complete, close or archive Projects.
User can edit or delete extras that have been added to a project Note: User must have either 'Can manage Quote Requests' or 'Can process Projects' permission enabled
Users with this permission will only ever see their own Projects and not Projects from other Administrator at the same organisation.
User will not be able to delete existing projects
Users with this permission will be able to select suppliers that don't provide a service the customer is requesting
Users can change the markup on a quote, overriding the markup set for the Customer. Un-check this option to prevent the Administrator from doing anything to change the markup for the Project, ensuring that the 'cost' and 'sale' for the Project remains the same.
Users can create invoices for Projects that have no sale value ('Not for sale' Projects).

Stock Management

Administrator can view / edit items in the Stock Catalogues.
Administrator can change the available stock levels for items in the Stock Catalogues.
Administrator receives system emails when stock orders placed, status changes, etc.
Administrator can place stock orders on behalf of customers.
Administrator can create Projects to replenish stock quantities.
Administrator can view picklists on stock orders and view re-orders for items in Stock Catalogue.
Administrator can import a stock adjustments spreadsheet.


User can view, approve, part invoice and credit Customer invoices.
User can issue Customer invoices.
User can view and reconcile Supplier invoices.
User can switch Business Units on Customer invoices and Supplier POs.

The Administrator functions are also described in full detail on the Permissions page itself. 


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This is where you can specify which Customers the Administrator has access to.

Customers can be searched for, added and removed.

All CustomersIf you select this option and click Save, the Administrator will be able to see and administer all Customers in the system.
Selected CustomersIf you select this option and click Save, the Administrator will be able to see and administer only those Customers added here.

Add a Customer

  1. Start typing the Customer name in the input field. When the name appears, select it.

  2. Click the Add button.

  3. Click the Save button.

Delete a Customer

  1. Click the delete icon 

    next to the Customer.

  2. Click the Save button.

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