There are three ways to enable the approval process for PageFlex Template.
Once the process is enabled the approver will need to be configured.
Enabling Approval
Approval for specific Template
To enable the approval per PageFlex Template, the 'Approval Required' option needs to be checked. To do so, please go to Template → Templates → browse for the Template Item → Settings (spanner icon) → Details tab → tick the "The artowkr requires approval" option:
Please Note
If a Customer User has the ‘Can Approve Artwork’ privilege enabled they will not require approval to order this Template
Approval for specific Customer User
Each Customer User has an ‘Artwork Approval Required’ option.
Any Pageflex item that this user tries to order will be subject to approval whether the item has the approval requirement enabled or not.
To enable / disable this option go to Contact → select Customer User → go to Privileges tab
Approval for all Customer Users of a Customer
The Template approval can be enabled for an entire Customer.
To do this, you can go to Customer → select the Customer from the list → Details tab → Templates section → select ‘Approval required for all artwork orders’ option
Please Note
If a Customer User for this Customer has the ‘Can Approve Artwork’ privilege enabled they will not require approval to order Templates
Configuring Approver(s)
Approvers are the Customer Users with the role of reviewing/approving PageFlex Template approval requests created by other Customer Users.
To enable a Customer User with this privilege, go to Contact → select Customer User → go to Privileges tab → select 'Can approve artwork'
Once this is configured you can use the Pageflex Approval Workflow.