The Supplier Role
The Supplier Role is performed by those individuals working on behalf of a Supplier with the purposes of responding to Quote Requests, receiving Purchase Orders or fulfilling stock orders where the supplier holds the ordered items.
Logging in
1. Type the following address into the Address Bar of your browser:
https:// <yoursystemname>
(replace the <yoursystemname> with your system name. If you do not know this then please contact your Supplier Manager).
2. Hit the Enter key.
3. When the login page opens, enter your Password and hit Enter again to login.
The Side Menu
The Side Menu provides you with access to the various parts of the system and is divided into sections. Click the section title to expand to view its options or to contract to hide its options.
Note: You may not be able to see all of the options or all of the sections listed below, depending on your access restrictions. Please contact your Account Manager for more information. |
This contains options for viewing current or previous requests, quotes or jobs.
The ‘Today’ View
This page is the first one you see once you have logged in. It displays an overview of the items that require your attention, ranging from returning quotes following submission of your requests through to stock orders that require fulfilment.
1. Click the Home button at the top of the side menu.
Requests for Quotes (RFQs) may be sent to you by the Buyers/Managers via the system in the form of an email. Attached to the email will be an RFQ document that sets out the detailed specification of the requirement. This is your invitation to submit a Quote for the work, which you may do also via the system.
You can also see all of the quote requests still pending on the system itself, via either the Today view or the listings.
The Quotes/RFxs Listings
These listings show all of the Quote Requests, Quotes (from you) and Jobs that you are involved in.
The listing includes the following information:
Column | Description |
Ref/Title | The project reference number and title. |
Delivery Date | The delivery date of each job/quote part. If the date shows as ‘TBC’ then no date has been set. |
PO | If you have been awarded a purchase order for the project then it will appear in this column. |
Status |
Searching for a Project
Each of the View All, View RFxs and View Jobs listings allow you to search for the Project that you wish to view.
What’s the difference between ‘View RFxs’, ‘View Jobs’ and ‘View All’? Each of these listings perform nearly identical functions but where View All will show you a listing of everything (Requests, Quotes and Jobs) the View RFxs listing will give you a list of just your RFxs and Quotes and the View Jobs listing will show just those where you have received a purchase order. Many people prefer to simply use the View All option and filter the listing if they only want to view RFxs. |
1. If you are not already on the View All Listing, click My RFx View All.
2. Click the black triangle () next to the ‘View All Projects’ title at the top of the page.
3. Type your search into the Search field.
4. Click the Go! Button.
Note: Searching will look for matching part titles or reference numbers. |
Opening the Quote Request / Quote Sheet
1. Open the quote request email to received from the system.
2. Click the link in the email.
This should take you to your ‘passport’ page.
3. Enter your password and click Login.
You should be taken directly to the Quote Sheet.
Note: If you see a popup-message saying the RFx is no longer available for quoting then this is because the RFx has already been quoted by you or one of your colleagues. |
1. Click the link in the Awaiting your Quotes section of the Today View.
1. Go to My RFx - View All
2. Find the Quote Request you wish to view.
3. Click the name to view the details.
You should now be taken to the Quote Sheet.
The Quote Sheet
The Quote Sheet is where all of the information relating to the RFx is held.
An overview of the RFx is shown in the very top section of the page and it shows a list of individual parts that comprise the job.
This section contains all of the information relating to one part of the (multi-part) project.
This section shows the specification details.
This section shows the detailed breakdown of your quote.
This section shows the files that been uploaded and attached to this project. A typical use of this would be for artwork files or bulk mailing instructions.
4.2.5 Entering your Quote
1. On the Quote Sheet, got to the Pricing section.
2. Click the Quote ref field and enter your quote reference number.
3. Click each of the prices and enter your prices.
4. Enter any notes you may have into the Notes field.
5. Click Set Prices at the bottom right of the Pricing section.
Declining an RFQ
1. On the Quote Sheet, got to the Pricing section.
2. Click the Decline button at the bottom right of the section.
3. Enter your reason for declining to quote.
4. Click OK.
Stock Order Fulfilment
Stock Order Fulfilment Request emails may come through to you and are required to fulfil these orders using the system.
The steps in the process are:
1. Customer places order for items held by you.
2. You receive a Stock Order Fulfilment Request email from the system.
3. You print out the Picking List.
4. You pick/pack the order.
5. You print out the Delivery Note.
6. You ship the order with the delivery note.
Accessing the stock order
You can access the stock orders from either your Today View or the Stock Order Fulfilment Request email.
1. Click the Home button at the top of the side menu.
2. Find the stock order reference in the Stock Orders section on the right side of the Today View.
3. Click the reference number.
From the Stock Order Fulfilment Request email
1. Click the link in the email.
2. Login as you would normally.
Note: If you are already logged in then you will not be asked to login again. |
The Stock Order Details page
This page shows all the information regarding the order:
Page Section | Purpose |
Top section | Displays the overall status of the order, when it was placed and who by. |
“Awaiting Authorisation” | Displays the items awaiting authorisation and their current state. |
“Dispatched” | Displays the items that have been dispatched. |
“Pending” | Displays the items that have not yet been dispatched. |
“Back Order” | Displays the items that cannot be dispatched until more stock becomes available. |
Processing the Stock Order
1. Open the Stock Order you wish to fulfil.
2. Go to the Pending section of the page.
3. Click Show Pick List to the right of the delivery.
This will open the Picking List PDF in a new window.
Note: If you cannot see any controls to the right of the delivery and the ‘HALT’ checkbox to the upper right of the delivery is ticked then this delivery has been halted by the Buyer/Manager and you will not be able to fulfil this delivery. Please contact the Buyer/Manager for more information. |
4. Print the picking list PDF.
5. Close the Picking List PDF window.
6. Click the Packing in progress option to the right of the delivery.
7. Click OK.
You should now Pick & Pack the order. When you have completed this you may process the Dispatch.
1. View the stock order you wish to process.
2. Click the Show delivery note link of the delivery. This will open the delivery note PDF.
3. Print the Delivery Note PDF.
4. Close the Delivery Note PDF.
5. Click the Dispatched option to the right of the delivery you are processing.
6. Click OK.
7. If you know the carrier details then complete the form, selecting the carrier from the drop-down menu and entering the carrier’sreference number and the carrier’s cost.
Note: If you don’t know the shipping information at this time then select Other... as the carrier option and leave the fields empty. You can add this information later. |
1. Click Save.