This is where the Service Provider Administrator's settings can be configured.
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- Enter the Administrator's details.
The only mandatory field is Email.
<<Not sure what Group refers to here. Not a 'cost-centre' type customer user group. Is it the Group that the Administrator administers? Should you be able to select them from a drop down of customer groups?>>
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This is where you can configure the various Administrator functions (what the Administrator can and can't do in the system).
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The Administrator functions aren't described here as a full description for each one is provided on the Permissions page itself. |
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This is where you can specify which Customers the Administrator can access. Customers can be added and removed.
Add a Customer- Start typing the Customer name in the input field. When the name appears, select it.
- Click the Add button.
- Click the Save button.
Delete a Customer- Click the delete icon next to the Customer.
- Click the Save button.