The Project Summary provides a single page overview of the key aspects of the Project. Each Project Part is listed with the name of the selected Suppliers and the services they provide. For each service the highest, lowest, average and chosen price is listed.
NOTE: To be able to view a Project summary, at least one Project Part must have the status 'Quoted'.
- Select the Project from All Projects.
- On the Project Parts page, click the Project Summary button.
The Project Summary page displays.
- To keep a copy of the summary, click Save.
<<What does / should this do? Save it on their home page? As a PDF? Just throws an error at the moment. Ask Matt.
Save button probably shouldn't be here? Not aware of Project Summary creating a PDF?>>
<<This is for comparing multiple suppliers and quantities. Do it with 2 parts and 3 quantities. Should save so you can go back to it and modify it to get different comparison.
Matt to have a look for original requirements - send to me.>>