To create a new folder:
1. Go to either the Project New RFx Jobbags --> New RFx ( For Rate Card and Rfx items) view or the Inventory Catalog --> Catalog ( for stock items) view.
2. Click the New Folder button at the top of the page.
3. Select a Location for the folder by clicking the Change button and selecting an appropriate folder and then clicking the Set button.
The system provides a range of standard specification forms (known as Job Types) but allows you to arrange these forms into a catalog ofAdhoc of Adhoc Items.
This allows the Catalog Manager to restrict access to unwanted specifications forms or to create additional ‘instances’ of specification forms (e.g. the ‘Single Sheet’ specification form may be presented in the Catalog as a ‘Poster’ Adhoc item as well as a ‘Flyer’ Adhoc item – both use the same specification form but may be easier for users to identify).
Repeat Items
A Repeat Item is, at its simplest, a completed specification form with cost and sale pricing tables and are ideal for those ‘commodity’ specifications, i.e. specification that are frequently ordered and with little variation.
Each Customer may have different prices for the same item (including the specification options) and simple tools exist for the Catalog Manager to quickly set a Customer’s prices given a chosen set of supplier prices plus the customer’s standard markup.
Creating an RFx Item
- Go to My RFx to Jobbags→ New RFx
- Navigate through the Catalog the folders to find the location where you want to place your new Adhoc RFx Item.
- Click the New Item (New Custom Form) button at the top of the page.
- Select the Specification Form Type from the Specification pull-down menu.
- Check the Location is set to the correct folder (if it isn’t click the Change button and select the required folder then click the Set button).
- Set the Product Code (this is optional).
- Set the Name of the item.
- Select an image for the Small Icon if you have one you would like to use
Note: Items to be published to the Customer Catalog normally have images 100 pixels wide by 100 pixels high although any sized image may be used. Also, you do not need to upload an image if you do not have one available at this time. You can come back to this item at any time and apply an image. |
- You can set Display dates for when RFx item should be visible in the catalogue
- Leave dates blank for no dates restrictions
- Select from-to dates if you wish the item to be visible only during a given period of time
- Select if you want to Publish to all customers or Publish to selected customers
- When publishing to selected customers, you will be able to add these customers from the drop-down list.
- Click the Create Bespoke Item button in the bottom right.
Creating a Rate Card
(from scratch)
1. Go to My RFx Jobbags → New RFx
2. Navigate through the Catalog the folders to find the location where you want to place your new Repeat Item.
3. Click the New Item (New Custom Form) button at the top of the page.
4. Select the Specification Form Type from the Specification pull-down menu.
5. Check the Location is set to the correct folder (if it isn’t click the Change button and select the required folder then click the SetSet button).
6. Set the Product Code (this is optional).
7. Set the Name of the item.
8. Select an image for the Small Icon if you have one you would like to use.
Note: Items to be published to the Customer Catalog normally have images 100 pixels wide by 100 pixels high although any sized image may be used. Also, you do not need to upload an image if you do not have one available at this time. You can come back to this item at any time and apply an image. |
9. Click the SaveCreate Repeated Item button in the bottom right. This has now created the Repeat Item and will now present some additional tabs allowing you to specify the repeat item’s details.
10. Click the Specification Tab and fill in the specification form with appropriate details.
11. Click the Save button.
Cost Prices
12. Click the Cost Prices Tab tab.
13. Select a Supplier from the Add a supplier pull-down menu.
14. Select the supplier’s Activity from the pull-down menu next to the supplier selection menu.
18. On the Base line, enter the supplier’s price for each quantity.
19. Click the Save button.
Sales Prices
20. Click the Sale Prices Tabtab.
21. In the Tools section, select the Customer you wish to add prices for and click the add button.
22. Fill in the Prices and click the Save button.
Creating Template Item ( Web-To-Print)
- In the side menu, select the Templates option in the Templates section.
- Click the New Pageflex Template option at the top of the page.
- Set the Product Code and the Name of the template item.
- Click the Details tab.
- Select the Repeat Item option in the Pricing section and select the Repeat Item you wish to use for pricing.
- Set any markup as required.
- Put the Pageflex Template Document's SKU Code in the Document ID field. This tells the Claritum System which Pageflex document to open when the user chooses this item.
- Click Save.