The Customer Approver receives the email and clicks the link to review the approval request(s).
Approver Response
The approver selects the appropriate response (‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’) on each individual artwork approval item (including other non-artwork approval requests) and confirms in the usual way.
The response is then emailed back to the requesting user.
This email is sent to all of the Customer Approver Users with the ‘Can authorise orders’ permission setprivilege.
Response Email
This email is sent when the Customer Approver User accepts or rejects the approval request.
Pageflex Template Item title
Pageflex Template item Item product code
Date/time the request was sent
‘Accepted’ or ‘Rejected’
Rejection response message (reason)
Link to the shopping basket
For a rejection, the additional message will say that the customer Customer Requestor can edit their artwork and re-submit it for approval or remove it from their basket.