Versions Compared


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A: Yes. Navigate to the menu and click ‘my details’. Click the ‘Details’ tab and edit yourinformationyour information.

Q: Can I update my company’s capabilities?

A: Yes. Navigate to the menu and click ‘my details’. Click the ‘Capabilities’ tab to see thecapabilities the capabilities for your company. To amend, please email XXX@XXX?


A: Yes. Navigate to the menu and click ‘my details’. Click the ‘Users’ tab to see the usersfor users for your company. Here, you can edit or delete an existing users, add another user andsend and send invitations (passports) to existing users.


A: Yes. Navigate to the menu and click ‘my details’. Click the ‘Details’ tab and select yourpreferred your preferred currency.

Q: Can I add my businesses terms & conditions?

A: Yes. Navigate to the menu and click ‘my details’. Click the ‘Details’ tab and edit yourinformationyour information.

Q: How do I know which customer is inviting me to Quote?


A: A “RFx” is a request-for-quote, request-for-price or similar. It is an invitation for youto you to respond with a quote.

Q: How do I respond to a RFx?

A: Navigate to the menu and select “View RFxs”. Select the RFx that you want to respondtorespond to, view the details and enter your price(s) and any additional information.


A: Navigate to the menu and select “View Orders”. Select the order that you want torespond to respond to, view the details and process the order.


A: To receive more enquiries, you’ll need to analyse your performance and identifyopportunities identify opportunities to improve. Select “Home” and then select the “Dashboard”. Depending onyour on your plan you will be able to view “Quotes” data. By analysing the information provided,you  you will be able to maximise your RFx to Quote conversion ratios, ensure you respondpromptly respond promptly to RFxs from your customers and improve your performance over time.


A: To win more orders, you’ll need to analyse your performance and identifyopportunities identify opportunities to improve. Select “Home” and then select the “Dashboard”. Depending onyour on your plan you will be able to view “Orders” data. By analysing the information provided,you  you will be able to maximise your Quote to Order conversion ratios, chase upoutstanding up outstanding orders, minimise quote to order timescales and improve your performanceover performance over time.

Q: Will my prices be shared with competitors?


A: The Claritum platform will send you an email notifying you of the order details, with aa purchase a purchase order, work ticket and delivery information. You will also see the status ofthe of the order change in your ‘All Jobs’ listing.


A: Yes. Dependent on which plan you have subscribed to, you will be notified of eachunsuccessful each unsuccessful bid. For subscribers to the Business plan, you will be provided with thereason the reason that you were unsuccessful, if a reason was given by the buyer.


A: Yes, if your customer has enabled this capability on your behalf. Please contact yourcustomer your customer to request that this feature is enabled.


A: Yes. Navigate to the menu and click ‘my details’. Click the ‘Subscription’ tab and select“viewselect “view/choose plans”. Here you can view the capabilities for each plan, upgrade ordowngrade or downgrade to another plan or stay on your current plan. You can upgrade or downgradeat downgrade at any time.

Q: How can I change my credit card details?

A: Navigate to the menu and click ‘my details’. Click the ‘Subscription’ tab and select“change select “change card details”. You can enter your credit card details here.


A: Yes. Navigate to the menu and click ‘my details’. Click the ‘Subscription’ tab and select“view”select “view”. Your invoices will be listed here. You can download, print or email your invoice ifrequiredif required.


Q: Am I locked-in to a long term contract?


A: To contact support, email We will aim to respondpromptlyrespond promptly.

Q: Can I integrate Claritum’s supplier network into my own workflow?
