Various actions can be performed on any kind of Project at any point in the Project workflow.
Edit Project
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This function allows you to edit Project-specific information such as the Title and Administrator.
Close / Reopen Project
A Project can be closed if all its Parts have been completed (orders received and invoiced), or if the Customer no longer wants to continue with the order(s). A closed Project can be re-opened at any time and will return to the status it had before it was closed.
- Click the Close Project button.
A confirmation box will display: - Click Yes.
To re-open a Project:
- Click the Re-open Project button.
A confirmation box will display:
<<need to improve box wording - have raised ticket>> - Click Yes.
Click the Copy Project button.
The Copy Project box will appear.
NOTE: Suppliers and prices are not automatically copied with the rest of the Project. If you want to copy them as well, check the checkbox
.Include Page Checkbox icon Checkbox icon - Click Copy.
The new Project reference number is the next number after the current highest Project number. For example, if the current highest Project number is ZZZ/37, the new Project reference will be ZZZ/338.
The status of all Parts in the new Project is set to 'New'.
Project Summary
The Project Summary provides a single page overview of the key aspects of the Project. Each Project Part is listed with the name of the selected Suppliers and the services they provide. For each service the highest, lowest, average and chosen price is listed.
- Select the Project from All Projects.
- On the Project Parts page, click the Project Summary button.
The Project Summary page displays. - To keep a copy of the summary, click Save.
<<What does / should this do? Save it on their home page? As a PDF? Just throws an error at the moment>>