What's Claritum Ideas Portal?
This is a perfect place for providing us with a feedback on the product.
We want to hear your feedback and make sure we stay up to date with our product. Please let us know what other features you will benefit from and we can have a look into your requirements.
Specifying Ideas Category will help at a later stage when you filter through all the ideas available entries on the portal.
Once Idea is submitted, you will be receiving notifications informing you every time someone is providing a comment or voting for your idea. It will help you to keep a track on the progress of your requests.
Don't like notifications? No worries, you can always unsubscribe from receiving emailsthem. It will still allow you to view your Idea directly through the portal when you log in.
Update Your Details
Need to change a password or update your personal details? You can easily modify your personal details provide modifications by going to 'Edit Profile' option.