How is Claritum preparing for it?
Claritum is committed to high standards of information security, privacy and transparency. We place a high priority on protecting and managing data in accordance with accepted standards and will comply with applicable GDPR regulations when they take effect in 2018, as a data processor, while also working closely with our customers and partners to meet contractual obligations for our procedures, products and services.
The company has two main areas of focus in preparing for GDPR overseen by an internal cross-functional team:
- Building on existing security and business continuity management systems and certifications (including ISO 9001) to ensure our own compliance.
- Product programmes to support compliance for users of our software applications including solutions to streamline the process and drive greater efficiency.
It is important to recognise that compliance is a shared responsibility and all organisations will need to adapt business processes and data management practices.
Claritum already has robust information security policies and procedures but policies such as Incident Response Plans and Backup Data Retention will be reviewed and updated.