Info |
This page details how customer users can use the customer catalogue to browse for items and order different types of catalogue items |
Browsing for an item from the catalogue
To begin the customer clicks ‘catalogue’ the menu at the top of the page, if the customer already knows what item they are looking for they can also use the search box to find the item
The ordering process will work slightly differently if the customer is requesting a quote, ordering a rate card or a stock item
Requesting a quote
The customer finds the item they require and clicks the add button to add the item to their basket
The customer can now add another address by clicking the ‘add address’ button. A pop up box will appear and the customer can search for other pre-existing address to add to their order
Ordering a rate card
The customer finds the item they require and clicks the add button to add the item to their basket
The customer is then shown the Order Confirmation screen
Ordering a stock item
The customer finds the item they require, they choose how many units they need to order and then they click the blue ‘Add’ button